

1979- Creation of Marques Lda.

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1991– Constitution of Marques Britas, S.A.


1992- Constitution of Betomarques, Lda.: production and sale of concrete

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1993– 1ª. Experience of internationalisation, in Germany


2000– Constitution of Urbe Oceanus


2004-Constitution of Pico D´Água Park: company responsible for developing the business park of the Group

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2006– Constitution of Soluções M, merger with the company Alves & Morgado, Lda.- Sale of Steel and derivatives


2007- Acquisition of Caetano Mont` Alverne- Sol*Mar

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2008- Company constituted between SUMA and Marques SGPS- SIGA: sistema integrado de gestão ambiental (integral environmental management system)


  • – Acquisition of the company Silva e Fernandes based on the island of Pico;
  • – Constitution of Marques Ambiente Ltd.:  waste management

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  • Primitivo Marques, distinguished with the Award “ MANAGER OF THE YEAR”- 100 largest companies of the Azores/ year 2007, organised by the CONTROLINVEST / AÇORMÉDIA Group

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2009- Acquisition of the Clínica de São Sebastião


2011- Cash & Carry becomes Loja Recheio


2021 – Conversion of the Marques Ambiente company to Marques Inovação e Ambiente